
Showing posts from April, 2022

What Do Animals in the Attic Sound Like

What Do Animals in the Attic Sound Like Noises in the Attic at Dark If you lot hear noises in your attic at dark time, in that location'southward a skilful take a chance that y'all have a wild fauna or two living in your cranium and mayhap scratching on your roof. I'll exercise a quick assay of the types of noise y'all might hear in your attic or roof at night: Larn more about these animals: raccoons in attic - rats in attic - mice in cranium - possums in attic - bats in attic Thumping: If you hear thumping in your attic at dark, information technology&

Spooky Anime Kind of Like Final Destination

Spooky Anime Kind of Like Final Destination I thought I'd start out with something easy for my first review… the anime Another (2012). This horror/mystery/psychological anime is merely 12 episodes long with one OVA. Anyway, hither goes… What's it about? Koichi Sakakibara moves to Yomiyama to live with his grandparents and aunt. Unfortunately for Koichi, he is rather a sickly young kid, and spends his would-be kickoff mean solar day of school in infirmary. Whilst in that location, he gets a strange visit from his classmates Izumi Akazawa, Kazami Tomohiko and Yukari Sakuragi (read: form officer and co.) Furthermore, he too meets a foreign girl wearing an eye-patch- Mei Misaki, who'southward just chilling in the morgue (technically, she's there to give a doll to someone). When Koichi is eventually well plenty to go to school, he find
